Mark Your Calendar!
The Steamship Authority has announced their opening dates for summer auto reservations. Beginning at 5:00 am on January 17, 2023 to January 23, 2023, reservations for travel with an automobile to Nantucket from May 18, 2023 through October 23, 2023 may be made via the internet.
The Steamship Reservation Office will have extended hours to provided additional support to customers January 17 to 23 from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST.
Mail In Reservations
In the past online reservations on opening day can be difficult. An easier, less frustrating alternative is mailing in your reservation. You can mail reservations at any time and they are processed in the order that they are received (up to five one-way or round-trip reservations will be accepted per mailing). Go to the Steamship website for the forms and schedules.
Reservations book extremely fast so be sure to plan accordingly. We are looking forward to another great summer season on Nantucket.